in the morning i mean >.<
me and my college gangs going for a one day trip...
to Sepang Gold Coast and other place~~
morning they all said that 8am go from the place we meet..
but in the end, waiting for the others till late..
that time we wait while having our breakfast~~
and we start our trip on 11am...
on the way, experiencing some problems...
problems that normally exist when communication failed..
drive here drive there to find the exact meeting point with our Mr. Guide...
and at last, meeting point change to LCCT
then, we straight went to the destination, Sepang Gold Coast~~
and theres the fun begin...
Pic taken @ Sepang Gold Coast..
although that time no tide, but we still have fun there~
with kites and
after that, we went to other place...
but first, we all went for lunch...
and surprisingly, that place mamak store is cheaper than KL..
after finish our lunch, we went to frens house for a while..
to plan for the next destination..
then they decided to follow one car... the only one who know where to go..
a place called "Couple Bridge"

next, we plan to go other place and had dinner at Banting..
but need to fetch Ranjit home before 7pm...
so we had a little bit change of plan~~
we went back to KL, fetch Ranjit back home..
then we went to look out point for dinner~~
the "Look Out Point Western Food"

i just love my drink...isnt it looks nice~~ Blue Champagne
after our dinner, we take some photo before going home~~

after whole day at outside, din bath at all...
felt whole body sticky, uncomfortable..
rush home for a bath~~haha..
and because of too tired, cause by whole day driving..
drove around whole day for about 300KM...
start from morning 7am till night 10pm...
lying down on my bed and stop moving around for the day~~
take a rest, watch movie, sms there~~ then went to bed..
and the thing that i missed out...
pass by Putrajaya but din go take a look at the hot air balloon T^T
-- The End --
You Guys Love Muds Alot Huh...??? hehe...
areal, we just play whatever that can play...haha.. try it out someday~~ xD