well, i thought it will went well~~
morning, when i was going to take train~~
saw damn many people line up at the station..
and the station almost full~~
until there is no place to stand anymore...
waited for 10-15 minutes, the train only came..
and i look at my phone, its already 7.30am..
i was thinking, if i continue waiting, i'll be late..
1st class for new semester late for class??
come on, i wouldnt want it to happen..
so i decided to drive .... again... petrol money lost T~T
on the way~~ jam at setiawangsa for half an hour..
but from Jln Tun Razak to Bkt Jalil so smooth~~
haha... manage to reach on time~~
but the lecturer come in late... how could you.. >.<
after 20min, the lecturer finally came in..
and its a surprise cuz the lecturer looks like a students..
but she is a lecturer..haha.. looks not bad~~ from Iran..
my friend get excited on her...lol xD
hope she is a good lecturer... i mean her teaching~~
because of still in the first week of new semester,
she din teach anything at all~~
just ask us to get into group of 3 or 4..
then explain a little bit about the subject..
after half an hour, class dismiss~~
and also, she cancel all the tutorial class for this subject for this week..
heard that, look at the clock... WTH...
now need to wait for about 5 hours till the next class...
because of the tutorial class cancelled >.<
and they decided to went out for breakfast..
then went to cyber cafe to play~~ haha xD
play until 2 something, stop game~~
had a little food for lunch, thn back to uni~~
3.30pm, next class start~ a lecturer came in..
indian fella, looks quite old...i think around 40 or 50..
looks nice and gentle.. but when he talks... OMG
talks non-stop.. please dun torture my ear >.<
say briefly tell us about the subject we studying..
but he just keep on talking for one hour...
making me feel sleepy~~ start fishing ady >.<
but still the same, hope its a good lecturer... good in teaching..
lastly, went to admin to request for class change~~
still, told by them need to find someone to swap with...
gah... the tough part is here.. who wanna swap??
even ask also not necessary will get it... haiz >.<
they give us three weeks time... hope can find someone..
if not, have to stick to the time given...sucks!!!
after that, all went home.. same goes to me ~~
before going home, bring my friend to Full House to take a look..
everytime i look at that house, feel like wanna stay there~~
overall looks nice... inside also... went in before..
on the way home, pass by my secondary school...
and that time is the time their class over~~
saw many lala mui~~ and also girls that act mature~~
woots... so many of them... and still so young =.="
arh... whatever larh, none of my business also..haha
reach home, look at my car distance meter...
oni realize this two weeks i had drive a long way~~

just look at the difference...
last service was 33191.. and today was 34002..
bottom part... 999.4KM...
woots...wer the hell i went??
travel around with my car for about 811KM??
can i say i'm proud of myself?? xD
explore around alone sometimes feel fun~~ haha
dinner, miss it... and now having headache... T.T
need rest... will stop here.. >.<
-- The End --