was thinking of going somewhere today..
was thinking of going somewhere today..
but ended up had something to do..
its related to tomorrow's presentation..
can say its a group assignment~~
so early in the morning around 9.15am went out..
after fetch my friend, get on the road back to college..
er.. i mean place near my college, my friend's house..
its actually accommodation provided by my college~
stuck in the traffic jam on a highway around Cheras Connaught..
and around 10am reach the apartment..
register my car, park my car, went up and knock the door..
no one answering.. so i call him... and guess what..
he answer the call and say he's on the way..
coming from is home at PJ~~ OMG...
so keep on calling the others to request for change place..
and yes, request successful xD
change to Serdang friend's house... but still, have to wait..
wait for my friend to come..waiting him at LRT Station..
and as for me, while waiting, was eating my breakfast xD
after everyone have arrive, move to the destination~~
once we arrive there, din start immediately...
first show a video bout Nic about his "fantastic" dance xD
then facebook a while, only start to do it..
and this is what we need to do.. modify the lyric and sing it..
sing a Unity Song, record it and present it~~
actually is play it to the entire class..oops >.<
and just do some rehearsal first only start recording..
(...skipping the processing part >.< ..)
finally, after few recording and of course.. some funny stuff..
we manage to finish the singing part.. hehe..
and now going to take photo of us for the CD cover.. lol
this lecturer ask from us too much... its TOO MUCH!!!
and the photo session begin ^^

haha...saw me?? black shirt with signature..lol xD
had some crazy moment >.<
finish taking photo, we went to lunch~~
(.. yummy, munch munch...)
finish eating, all went home~~
me and my friend went back to my area to buy PC games..
the game that he want so badly xD
went to that shop, choose what he want...( 1 only)
paid it, then back to my house to test it..
at first, we keep on testing it and keep on getting the same respond..
the whole explorer lagging...gosh..
then we start to think that its the CD problem...
and start to scold and curse the shop...
but in the last try, before we going back there to change it..
the CD actually works.. well, after he take out the CD xD
so he going home to try it again.. and i send them back..
and i'm in front of my lappy again...
until now.. was watching some movie actually~~
one of it.. Monday Night RAW~~ hahahaha
and now, blogging the whole things and downloading movie again..
this holiday watched so many movies... o.O"
well, i'm putting an end here... thats all~~
and as for our recording.. have it..
but i think i wont post it up here xD
-- The End --
ahh. the fun of having a group of friends and taking photos.. can do lots of funny poses and stunts =P
ken, its fun.. but just dislike the assignment xD
哈哈。。 喜欢的话可以拍啊~~XD