21 October 2010
this is the day i was born...
for today, means??
My BirthdaY ^^
should i be happy about this...
erm... yes and no xD
YES : yay, its my birthday again, can fully enjoy the great moment of this day
NO : gosh, i'm getting older again.. i wanna be young T~T (Stay in Neverland xD)
well actually, i almost forgot about my birthday was today..
maybe because of thinking of other things too much.. o(o.O")p
anyway, at college, i would like to thanks to all my course mate~
for celebrating my birthday with me..
thx to Carmen for buying the cake from far~~ (rite?)
and thx to Jnie for planning this whole thing up~~
cut the crap and here's da 1st cake of the day~~ ^^
cut the crap and here's da 1st cake of the day~~ ^^

guess what program i use to edit this picture??
the answer is... Microsoft PowerPoint~ xD
long time never edit picture...
so if there is any not nice looking, sry to the pros ya xD
from what i know, this cake is Chocolate Cake...
middle filled with ice cream~~ delicious ^^
and the cake was cut by Tyan Min... Thx ya ^^
actually there is two more pieces left after giving out to all..
planning to bring back home to give to two person...
one of it, u noe jor larh, still got called u xD
but think of it, it got ice cream inside..
so after the last class, one piece given to buddy, Davin..
and the last piece of the cake, given to Tini~~
last meet wif u is August PC Fair...
at night, celebration with S1 Kaki @ Pizza Hut
8 people enjoying dinner together~~
and after dinner, the celebration starts...
cake out, music on, and clappers comes xD
thx for celebrating for me and love you guys~~ ^^
after the celebration, didn't went home..
went out for the whole night with WK and Jack~
actually, its just a normal plan~~ but i did enjoy it.. LOL xD
5 hours of Cyber Cafe from 12am till 5am...
then WK drives us to KL... jz driving around and look around..
until one place, we saw prostitutes... whole streets...
looking for customers for their business xD
and one of it actually waving on us at the moment we look to that direction.. LOL
thn almost 6am, we stop the car in front of our Secondary School gate..
sitting in the car, listen to Japanese and Korean Music... from WK phone..
and start looking at high school students... morning looks to school xD
until 7am only leave that place, to Melati Utama McDonalds for breakfast..
requested by Jack~~ had our breakfast until 8am only went home..
well, i jz went home for a while, then fetch "Half Dead-Looking" Jack back home..
jz look at him... sooo tired >.<
as for me and WK, ready for next round... Badminton xD
had badminton from 10.15am till 11.10am... then get some rest..
went home take a bath, only went to Prima to had lunch with Ky33~
after lunch, and after our haircut, we got nothing to do..
so we ask one more people out... Yenn Rou~~
Me, WK, Rou and PS... 4 person went to Wangsa Walk..
actually planning to watch a movie... but there is no movie that we want to watch..
so ended up walking around Wangsa Walk without any purpose xD
around 5 something only went home... xD
**most of the picture haven't got it, so will upload it on the next post~
again, wishing myself on that day before 12am strikes...
HappY BirthdaY To MyselF... GettinG Old >.<

ReplyDelete就算忘记了,有你提醒就好了 xD
old pig~~ heheex!!!
ReplyDeleteLOL... but hor, u hor~~ old than me lorh xD