and this will be a long post since i got many things to write..
but, i will try to make it short... LOL
1st of all is about my damn bloody phone..
i cant believe it started to give me trouble..
cable start to become not sensitive and i cant even plug in to my lappy..
cant detect the device and it made me cant move the picture from my phone to my lappy..
damn it.. now really hope to change a new phone...
and i already have a new target.. SE Xperia X10 .. O(∩_∩)O
just wanna change my phone as soon as possible...
and now, the post start ... here goes...
(... photos taken by my noob 3.2 megapixel phone.. quality not gud >.< ...)
11th August 2010
went to a Korean Restaurant @ Kepong with friends for lunch..
The restaurant name is Daorae Korean BBQ Restaurant

that day afternoon can say the restaurant is empty but just 3 of us..

seaweed soup and my set lunch, kimchi with pork rice set
lunch set is just RM14 per set and there is no any tax.. so the price is ok..
and as for others, when i look into the menu, i was like.. OMG
the cheapest food in the menu cost RM25... >.<
after lunch, my friend say still wanna eat something else...
and the next stop we went is another food stall.. name K.T.Z food
at first i was thinking, just to order drinks..
but in the end, i order more and more... LOL

peanut stew dessert and some fried things..

mango ice, taste nice~~
i kinda shock that i manage to eat all these food in one day within 2hours..
13th August 2010
this day, hmm... what day is it huh??
oh yea, its my "lui lui" birthday~~ xD
HappY BirthdaY yA~~
this day, we went to Look Out Point to celebrate for her..
as for me and the other 3 friends, we went to buy cake and candles..
and something suddenly cross my mind... tricky candles... xD
candles that will light up after u blow it... haha.. gotcha xD
group photo and birthday girl with her birthday gift~
16th August 2010
the day we went to Genting Highland..
the reason why suddenly went there is because of two things..
one is i got a free room and the other is Ling wanna go~
we went up in the afternoon.. because didn't play outdoor and check in time is 3pm
8 of us~~
reach there, the first thing to do is... CHECK IN..
we separate into 2 groups.. one is to follow me to check in..
of course with all the luggage, and the other went to buy movie ticket..
haha.. watch a movie there and i forgot what the movie name >.<
just to wait for check in, waited for more than 1 hour ...
some of them start to eat cup noodles while waiting..
after check in, get some rest, then only went to movie..
after movie, went for the 4D Motion, titled The Haunted House..
before that, we have some of our little games outdoor...
and its all taken down in videos which i think i'm not posting it up.. LOL
then at nite, some of us went for bowling and some of them went back to the room..
i'm joining the bowling gang, after bowling, followed up by pool~~
after finish all, we went to StarBuck wait for the rest to come down..

group photo and thats my coffee~~ in a mug.. xD
the scenery i capture it when i having my breakfast at Genting Mamak Stall..
its located at the cable car car park... B5.. can try to find it =)
after the breakfast, went back to the room... all of them sleeping.. LOL
well, i'm tired too... whole night didn't sleep... but when they wake up, i nap.. LOL
after all ready, check out our room, went for a walk...
then take bus went back down... for our second round entertainment.. Karaoke
i'm surprise that they still have so many energy for that xD
and it seems like everyone enjoy and having fun except for BeaR~~ xD
feeling very tired on this day but had fun with them..
(... stop here for a while... to be continue in Part 2 ...)
wah..... happy life hor....
happy ar?? u more happy lorh~ xD