gonna share place and picture of foods with you all~~~
the reason that i now only update it is because i just got the photo..
well, i'm going to cut the crap and straight to the point~~
~*~ FuLL HouSe ~*~

tales of Full House is in the menu... the comic menu.. and also the family portrait of Full House.. haha

corner of Full House, the interior design~~

foods and drinks that we had for dinner~~
me in a bath tub..
vacuum jack shirt?? xD
two piggy~~ or panda?? its actually pig xD
stop playing with my ass la bear~~ xD
couple sweet sweet in front of us..haha... dun jealous them guys xD
finish for the chapter FuLL HouSe~~
there are more picture, but if upload all will be flooded... so i'll keep it for myself xD
~*~ SusHi KinG DaY @ SusHi BoNanZa ~*~
wednesday, the day off from classes for me~~
yippie, but what to do at home?? nothing...hehe
asked my friend out to Sushi King for Sushi Bonanza~~
because of that, whole day breakfast and lunch din eat..
well, except for one cup of PerfecT Ice which my friend buy it to me when i collect my money from him >.<
cut the crap and straight to the photos~~

thats all~~ actually we can have higher stack..
but the waiter take it away while we eating.. haiz
total 5 person ate 51 plates.. but the waiter jz count 49..
duno why... human error maybe xD
after that we went to Desa Park City, Kepong for a walk..
that time already around 8 something when we arrive..
walk around the park, fooling around, playing at the playground..
then have a walk pass all the shop, only went back~~

on the way back, bought McDonald's ice cream and went to friends house eat xD
after the ice-cream eating and chit chatting and have fun..
aound 11pm only went back home.. haha.. so full and tired >.<
-- The End --
ReplyDelete蛮可爱的嘛~~特地放的 xD
haha.... today wan take somemore FH pic wahaha